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Recent Press
Jun 18, 2021
Earmarks are back. Here’s what lawmakers want Congress to spend money on in Pa. and South Jersey
If lawmakers have their way, Congress may soon set aside $1 million for a sports and recreation facility in North Philadelphia and...

Feb 28, 2019
Lansdowne Theater on NBC's Today Show!
The historic Lansdowne Theater was featured on NBC's Today Show today, Thursday February 28, 2019! Though the story is entitled,...

Oct 3, 2015
Original Lansdowne Theater ticket office restored
"The newly restored, original ticket booth from the 1920s-built Lansdowne Theater is part of a $150,000 community development block grant...

Oct 3, 2015
Lansdowne Theater Ticket Booth Unveiled
Over 100 loyal supporters joined Mayor Anthony Campuzano and Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation board members to unveil the restored...

May 20, 2015
Voters Give a Big ‘Yes’ to Liquor License at Lansdowne Theater
"Spirits are up in Lansdowne after residents overwhelmingly voted yes to a restrictive liquor license for the Lansdowne Theater when it...

May 20, 2015
Lansdowne Voters Overwhelmingly Vote In Favor Of Performing Arts Facilities Liquor License
Lansdowne voters cast 1, 279 in favor and 216 not in favor of the referendum that would allow for a restrictive Performing Arts...

Mar 3, 2015
Inner Ring Town Counting On Theater
"Its paint is chipped. Its elaborately decorated walls are cracked. And its marble ticket booth has not been used in nearly 30 years.But...

Feb 5, 2015
EDITORIAL: Weighing Limited Alcohol Sales In Lansdowne
"Matt Schultz , executive director of the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corp., wants a very restrictive liquor license in town, one that...

Jan 17, 2015
Matthew Christopher Puts America’s Abandoned Buildings In Sharp Focus
'Preservationists have stepped in and salvaged several sites such as Philadelphia’s Lansdowne Theater, which made a cameo appearance in...

Oct 22, 2014
Making the case for historic theaters
"Matt Schultz, CEO of the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation (HLTC), the not-for-profit owner of the 1927 Historic Lansdowne Theater...
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