Frequently Asked Questions
We get lots of questions all the time. Here are answers to some of those we hear the most.
Who owns The Lansdowne Theater?
The theater is owned by the private non-profit Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation (HLTC), which was established in 2006 to purchase this historical and architectural treasure. The corporation is led by a dedicated group of volunteers and one staff member.
How do I get involved?
The HLTC is looking for volunteers to help with various tasks around the theater and to assist with fundraising and special events. Many people have expressed a desire to have the theater restored and reopened. With your help we can do it. Get involved. Stay involved.
To join our list of volunteers, visit the Get Involved page of our website, email us at info@LansdowneTheater.org, or call us at 610-622-1234.
How do I arrange to photograph the interior of the theater or bring my ghost hunter group to the theater?
We have been deluged with requests for photography sessions and ghost hunter groups who want to explore the theater. We are glad to accommodate requests. The minimum charge to use the theater for these purposes is $300 for 3 hours (1 to 3 photographers). Add $100 for every additional photographer to the minimum $300 charge. Email or call the office for further details.
All photographers enter the building at their own risk and must waive any and all actions for any reason against the Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation. (Rates as of February 8, 2021)
From time to time, open houses are held at the theater and photographers are welcome to photograph the interior. Open houses are not held during cold months. To learn when open houses are held, please join our emailing list.
How can I arrange for a tour of the theater?
We need a significant amount of funding to restore and reopen the theater. As a part of our efforts to reach our goal, we are offering tours of the theater to the general public as a benefit of donation to the campaign to reopen the theater. For a $125 tax-deductible contribution, local historian and HLTC Executive Director, Matt Schultz, will provide a group of 1-4 people with a private tour of the theater and projection room. Please contact the office for groups of 5 or more.
To schedule a tour, call the theater office at 610-622-1234 or email us at info@LansdowneTheater.org.
I am a performing artist or represent an arts organization and would like to perform at the Lansdowne Theater when it reopens. Is a list being created of such interested artists?
Yes. Our goal is to present a broad range of the performing arts in the theater. We are glad to entertain proposals as we move along to opening day.